超级账本HyperLedger: Fabric 1.2.0使用时遇到的问题

Tags: HyperLedger 



这是“网易云课堂IT技术快速入门学院”使用的素材。操作、配置文件和代码讲解视频在网易云课堂《HyperLeger Fabric进阶实战课》第三章中。

HyperLedger Fabric 1.2.0使用过程中遇到的一些问题。

创建channel时: existing config does not contain element for [Group] /Channel/Application/peers.member2.example.com but was in the read set


Error: got unexpected status: BAD_REQUEST -- error authorizing update: error validating ReadSet: existing config does not contain element for [Group]  /Channel/Application/peers.member2.example.com but was in the read set



 ./output/bin/bin/configtxgen -inspectBlock  ./output/example.com/channel-artifacts/genesisblock -configPath ./inventories/example.com/ >genesis.json


 ./output/bin/bin/configtxgen  -inspectChannelCreateTx ./output/example.com/channel-artifacts/channel.tx  --configPath ./inventories/example.com/ >channel.json



$ ls data/chains/


2018-07-26 03:23:41.824 UTC [orderer/common/server] initializeMultichannelRegistrar -> INFO 025^[[0m Not bootstrapping because of existing chains
2018-07-26 03:23:41.824 UTC [fsblkstorage] newBlockfileMgr -> DEBU 026 newBlockfileMgr() initializing file-based block storage for ledger: mychannel
2018-07-26 03:23:41.824 UTC [kvledger.util] CreateDirIfMissing -> DEBU 027 CreateDirIfMissing [data/chains/mychannel/]
2018-07-26 03:23:41.847 UTC [orderer/commmon/multichannel] NewRegistrar -> INFO 0c4 Starting system channel 'mychannel' with genesis block hash 118df032431755f077183ee7f2c1cdbb72d6336879947f2b03ae87b1be59b69f and orderer type solo


# CHANNEL_NAME为mychannel
$BIN_PATH/configtxgen -profile OrdererGenesis -outputBlock $output/genesisblock -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME


$BIN_PATH/configtxgen -profile OrdererGenesis -outputBlock $output/genesisblock  -channelID genesis


对创世块和channel之间的关系还是不了解,哎..@2018-07-26 12:03:52

Question: What is the orderer system channel?

Answer: The orderer system channel (sometimes called ordering system channel) is the channel the orderer is initially bootstrapped with. It is used to orchestrate channel creation. The orderer system channel defines consortia and the initial configuration for new channels. At channel creation time, the organization definition in the consortium, the /Channel group’s values and policies, as well as the /Channel/Orderer group’s values and policies, are all combined to form the new initial channel definition.

查看node状态时:bad request: Envelope must have a Header

./peer.sh node status
2018-07-26 12:18:37.443 CST [nodeCmd] status -> INFO 001 Error trying to get status from local peer: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = bad request: Envelope must have a Header
Error: Error trying to connect to local peer: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = bad request: Envelope must have a Header


依赖的镜像变化, 合约初始化不成功

Fabric 1.2.0的Peer依赖的镜像:

docker pull hyperledger/fabric-ccenv:latest
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-baseos:amd64-0.4.10
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-javaenv:x86_64-1.1.0     #for java
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:amd64-0.4.10   #for node.js


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  25. 超级账本HyperLedger: Fabric部署过程时遇到的问题汇总
  26. 超级账本HyperLedger: Cello部署和使用
  27. 超级账本HyperLedger: Fabric的基本概念与基础用法


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